v0.04 Update Notes

The 0.4 update is here, and it's only got one thing in it, but that one thing is really impressive (to me, maybe not to you).

1) Settings!  New and improved setting technology means that you can turn the bleeps and boops on/off and change the max/min score values for the game.  Settings will also carry over when you close your game.
Note: Currently there's no "default settings" button.  The defaults are a max score of 10 and a min score of -5.  You can also delete the .ini file located in [username]/AppData/Local/BlockBall  to reset it if things are broken somehow, or you can modify it for custom score values.

The process can be watched live on Twitch or on Youtube in vod form.


BlockBall v0.04 2 MB
Feb 12, 2022

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